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Repayment of the loan occurs when the title of the property is transferred. Repairs will be denied if there is a house payment or property tax arrearage, unless a workable plan exists for paying the arrearage. Applicant must be the owner or purchaser of the home, or hold a life estate or life lease on the home with the responsibility for home repairs. Information shall be kept confidential and used only to determine eligibility. Paper copies of the application will also be available and will require a clear photocopy of the following. To be prepared to apply with all of your documentation when you begin your application, please see the Qualifications Overview and the Applicant Document Checklist below.
This organization relies on you, or some neighbors if you’re elderly, to put some of the work into your home repairs. You can apply through Habitat to learn about help available in your area. The ongoing cost of maintaining the home is affordable to the applicant (total housing costs cannot exceed 75 percent of the group’s net income). Home-based businesses provide essential income to many entrepreneurs who have yet to grow their business to a brick-and-mortar location. Through a $555,000 grant agreement between EWD and Working Solutions, the Oakland CARES Act Home-Based Business Grant Program distributed grants of $2,000 to $4,000 to 159 home-based, for-profit businesses in Oakland. The Oakland CARES Act Home-Based Business Grant Program distributed $500,000 in grants of $2,000 to $4,000 to home-based, for-profit businesses in Oakland.
Oakland Co. offers low-cost loans, grants for…
The Weatherization Assistance Program provides weatherization services at no cost to the homeowner or renter. Weatherization services include wall insulation, furnace evaluation, air leakage reduction, and more. Homes that have been weatherized in the past 15 years aren’t eligible for this program.
Click the image below to learn about how $88.7 million helped to support more than 12,500 small businesses in Oakland County. On March 10, 2020 the first COVID-19 case was recorded in Oakland County and we became one of the earliest and hardest hit counties in the state. The County Executive Team, working with the Board of Commissioners, leaned in and aggressively addressed both the health and economic impact of the pandemic on Oakland County residents. For those community partners that attended the October PY 2023 CDBG Application Workshop, we have published the CDBG Application Workshop PowerPoint slide deck.
County and city specific programs for home repair grants in Michigan
Rebuilding Together Southeast Michigan is a local nonprofit that offers no-cost home repairs to homeowners who meet the requirements. The work is performed by volunteers and contractors, and RTSEM works with around 40 partners each year, including small businesses, corporations, civic and faith-based organizations to organize 1,000 volunteers to make this happen. The United Way of Washtenaw County offers free home repair services to low and moderate income households through their Handyman Connection Program.

There must be no redacting or "blacking out" of information on the required documentation. The county commission allocated $2 million in American Rescue Plan Act money for this plan. The county’s $244 million in ARPA money must be assigned by the end of 2024 and spent by the end of 2026, or revert back to the federal government. Oakland County homeowners will have another avenue to keep their houses in good shape. Homeowners financially contribute to the completion of their project by paying a fee for services.
The 2nd is a Zero-interest 50% forgivable/50% repayable after 20 years loan in the current targeted area. Types of repairs would be anything to bring the home up to the Housing Quality Standards or Local Code, addressing Health and Safety issues, including roof, foundation, heating, plumbing, electrical work, etc. The Emergency Home Repair Program provides loans for home repairs that require immediate attention such as a citation issued by a Fire Marshall, Health Officer or Code Enforcement Officer, leaking roof sewer break. The City of Oakland offers programs and resources to repair and rehab homes. County officials can help homeowners connect with other supportive programs, he said.

There are official free home repairs for senior citizens in Michigan but they are not only for seniors. Seniors, just like all Michiganders, are eligible to the same home improvement programs listed on this page. While this new program will help older homeowners, the county has a number of existing home-repair programs, many for low-income homeowners..
Minor Home Repair Grant
The fee is determined by HFHOC staff after a home assessment has been completed. Please complete the application below if you are interested in participating in our Critical Home Repair program and having exterior repairs completed on your home. Citizens are encouraged to get involved in the local decision-making process. The program is currently at capacity, but you can join the interest list by filling out Wayne Metro’s Universal Application.

We offer home repair grants to improve the health and safety of your home. This program focuses on exterior home repairs that will be completed by certified contractors. Included in this program is a FREE energy audit from the Consumers Energy Helping Neighbors Program for qualified households. A technician will come to your home to perform energy tests to help identify ways to reduce your energy costs. The City of Oakland offers many loan and grant programs to assist homeowners and developers.
The Program installs 10-year tamper resistant smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as well as ADA grab bars and interior handrails. Oakland homeowners must be 62 or older and/or have a disability to participate in the minor home repair program. You can review the Federal and the State of Michigan home repair grants but ultimately your county and city are the one you need to contact and where you apply for funding. Key factors in evaluating home-repair loan and grant applications include home equity and whether there are delinquent taxes. The state has an ARPA-funded plan to help people behind on their mortgages or property taxes.

To qualify, homeowners must meet income requirements and the property must be in an eligible rural area. Michigan Community Action is the state association for the 28 designated Community Action Agencies in Michigan. It helps, among many things, homeowners with repair programs and funding. They are the organisations offering the most help to homeowners in Michigan and helping with community development and part of Michigan’s economic development . In general everyone is eligible to home improvement and repairs grants and assistance in Michigan. In reality, because the needs are so big, some groups like seniors, veterans, disable and low-income households are given priority.
However, if you choose not to furnish it, under federal regulations this organization is required to note race and sex on the basis of visual observation or surname. If you do not wish to furnish the information below, please check the box below. Working with the Board of Commissioners, the County Executive team leaned in and started to aggressively address both the health and economic impact of the pandemic.
Priority was given to home-based businesses representing a broad geographic diversity in Oakland, especially those located in low-income areas or otherwise historically vulnerable communities. Income of all household members who are 18 years or older must be considered to determine income eligibility. Please be aware that applications must include uploads or copies of all pages of bank statements, mortgage paperwork, bills, lease agreements, etc.
What is a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)?
Please answer the questions below to provide Habitat with information about your current housing status, ability to pay for repair services and your willingness to partner with our organization. The Annual Report 2020 gives an overview of all the services and programs provided by the Neighborhood and Housing Development division for Oakland County. Not only will you find information on CDBG here, you will also find information on fair housing, home improvement, housing counseling, and more. A Community Development Block Grant is a flexible, formula-based funding program provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to keep communities sound, attractive, and economically viable. To apply, fill out the application and include the required documentation.

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